Post Archive By Madhu Manickam - Page 3

How to Take Better Reflection Photos

In this article, we will go through everything you need to know to capture beautiful reflections. We will go over equipment considerations, camera settings, on-location tips and considerations, as well as post-processing tips to make your reflection shots stand out.

21 Tips for Bird Photography

In this article, 21 Tips for Bird Photography, I have penned down what matters most to me for photographing birds in the field. Nasim & Elizabeth already have great articles on the most common tips. So, the thoughts below are simply a way to gather the most useful tips I've...

A Guide to Black and White Conversion Using Photoshop

In this Guide to Black and White Conversion using Photoshop, we will look into the pros and cons of different options Photoshop offers to turn an image into monochrome. Practically, there is not one single method that suits everyone or more precisely, not one method that suits every single image...

What is Saturation? And How to Get Optimal Saturation

In this article, we will examine the various factors that affect saturation, including different approaches to obtain optimal saturation in post-processing (Photoshop) without making our image look unnatural. Lately, the internet and social media are filled with oversaturated images, thanks largely to heavy-handed filters and presets in post-processing software and...

How to Use Curves in Photoshop

How does one use curves in Photoshop? In this article we will take a detailed look at understanding and using one of the most powerful tools in Photoshop, Curves. Even though there are many tools to enhance the contrast in Photoshop, curves are the most effective. Curves go beyond the...

Understanding Contrast in Photography

What is contrast? How can you get high-contrast images? It's a sought-after concept in photography, but also one of the most confusing, as there are a wide number of ways to bring it about. To start, let us get to answer the first question. Instead of putting up grey-scale maps,...

How to Take Interesting Wildlife Images

At least at one point of time in our photography journey, almost all of us want to try our hands on wildlife photography. Be it an attempt to photograph a bird in our backyard or taking a jungle safari, it is pretty rare to see someone with a camera not...

What is Low-Key Monochrome Photography?

With all the amazing new cameras and lenses creating outstanding color, most of us are flooded with saturated images all over social media. But, a few decades back, most of what we saw were gray worlds. Even though current day photography can bring out millions of colors to life, the...