Post Archive By Libor Vaicenbacher - Page 7

Photographing the Kingfisher in Paradise

There aren't many birds that anyone would recognize at a glance. Many groups of birds are so inconspicuous, the differences between species so subtle, and their behaviors so mysterious that even nature lovers struggle to identify them. Kingfishers are different. As soon as you learn what a kingfisher looks like,...

Photography News: Three New Lenses Under $160

This week was another pleasantly busy one for our team. Spencer went to Yellowstone with a truck full of camera equipment to test for you. Jason returned from his birding grounds having photographed several new bird species for the first time. And I just came out of the woods after...

Nikon Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S Review

We’ve just finished a major update to our review of the Nikon Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S, with lab tests of sharpness and extensive comparisons against other Nikon lenses that you may be considering. How does this lens perform? Perhaps predictably, it’s incredible!

Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L Review

Recently, I was asked what piece of photography equipment I use the most. At first, I almost said "my camera". But then I thought about it and reconsidered my answer. While it is true that I use my camera for 100% of my photographic work, there is another piece of...