Post Archive By Libor Vaicenbacher - Page 6

Photographing a Cycling Race from a Motorbike

Last month, another edition of the world's most famous cycling race, the Tour de France, took place. And as in previous years, I didn't participate either as a rider or as a spectator. I don't have enough strength for the former (and it gets worse every year) or enough free...

How to Take Even Better Wildlife Photos

Even though it's been about 15 years, I still see it as if it were today: For the first time, I'm standing in a South American cloud forest with a camera and a 300mm zoom lens. Suddenly, from a nearby thicket, I hear the familiar chirp of a Masked Flowerpiercer....

Depth of Field in Wildlife Photography

Wildlife photography is inextricably linked with long telephoto lenses. Most wildlife photographers dream of having a fast, professional lens in their arsenal. Is it just a desire to own something beautiful and expensive? Not at all. There's a rational reason to own an exotic lens: the fast maximum aperture. It's...