About Libor Vaicenbacher

Libor works as a biology teacher, guide, photographer and photography course lecturer. His passion is birds. As an ornithologist, Libor has studied the avian diversity of the South American Andes. He fell in love with this part of the world and since then he likes to return there with his camera to popularize its nature with his photographs, talks and articles. You can see more of Libor's work on his Instagram page.

Post Archive By Libor Vaicenbacher

The Chimborazo Hillstar: A High-Altitude Hummingbird

Hummingbirds are commonly thought of as a typical tropical bird family. And for the most part, this perception is accurate - of the 363 species of hummingbirds, the vast majority thrive in tropical environments. But some species inhabit such extreme habitats that few would expect to find tiny, fragile hummingbirds...

Tripods vs Monopods for Wildlife Photography

When you read the title of this article, you might have said to yourself "neither" - and I wouldn't blame you! After all, who wants to carry extra weight in the field? Modern image stabilization systems allow us to handhold the camera at shutter speeds that were once unthinkable. But...

Double Rarity: A Strange Bird Doing a Strange Thing

Perhaps every nature photographer dreams of capturing some rarity in nature – be it a unique or rare animal or some seldom-seen behavior. Ideally, of course, both at once. I recently published an article that focuses on a rare color variation in birds. Today’s short post has something even more unusual.

Photography News: M4 MacBook Pro Sales, Is Zeiss Back?

The Gray Wagtail is a charming bird quite commonly found along streams and rivers. Its constant tail wagging has inspired similar names in many languages. This week, the Czech Ornithological Society named it Bird of the Year. They pointed out the bird's relationship to important natural waterways, many of which...