Post Archive By Guest Poster

How to Photograph the Northern Lights

There’s a once-in-a-generation display of the aurora happening today (maybe through this week). Here in Colorado, dancing lights are visible with the naked eye. It’s a good time to revisit this guest article from Ajit Menon with all the info you need for photographing them!

Photographing the Muskox in a Winter Wonderland

The muskox (Ovibos Moschatus) is a massive arctic animal. It weighs up to 400 kg (880 pounds) and measures up to 2.5 meters long (over 8 feet). Although it lived across Europe during the last ice age, it went extinct on the Eurasian continent around the same time that the...

Ice Crystal Photography Documenting an Ephemeral World

Winter is often regarded as the doldrums for nature and wildlife photographers here in Michigan. Despite the unusually warm weather this year, opportunities for outdoor photography have been quite limited, often resulting in gloomy two-hour long outings in the wild yielding little more than a few images of withered brown...

Mastering Focus Stacking for Stunning Macro Shots

Macro photography is about capturing the smaller world around you. A little adjustment to the aperture and there you are, zooming into the subject to reveal its inherent brilliance. The popularity of macro photography is growing exponentially, thanks to the popular concept of Focus Stacking. Beginners reading this must be...

The Four Seasons of the Little Egret

As an amateur bird photographer, I often asked myself what is so special in birds, and why many people are so attracted by them. The answers to these questions are not unique and likely involve subjective feelings and personal motivations. Some are simply attracted by the fact that birds are challenging...

How to Focus Stack Panoramic Images

Over the years, focus stacking has gained wide popularity among digital photographers and is a handy technique you can use to get crisp images. However, how can a photographer use focus stacking when shooting panoramas? Digital panoramic photography often requires three, five, or more images to be stitched together in...

Tips & Tricks for Dog Photography

Dog photography requires patience, especially for beginners, because the subjects are often moving around quite a bit! The tips in this article will not only help you to find a balance in photographing moving subjects, but also advance you to the next level of dog photography.

7 Tips to Take More Interesting Street Photography

The point of this article isn’t to tell you what makes for interesting street photography. That would be impossible. Street photography is such a broad genre with so many great photographers who shoot wildly different subjects in completely different manners. This can feel both inspiring and overwhelming. The goal instead...