I pick up the camera and, for what feels like a hundredth time, get surprised by its low weight. It’s not what you’d call hollow, more like… tightly packed. There might be a couple of areas where you touch and feel mild disappointment – the control wheel at the back could be metal and the bottom, well, can’t help but wish it felt as cool (literally) and solid as the top of the camera – but only because the rest of it is just so pleasant to hold. It has quickly become a very natural size and shape – that Nikon body, though that much more secure in hand, feels almost unwieldy. It’s not, really, but also is when you compare it to the Fujifilm X-E2. And the dials – save for the aperture ring on the lens, but that is a separate subject – offer very good resistance. In the case of exposure compensation dial, when doing such time-critical types of photography as street, perhaps even a touch too good. It’s not that easy to turn with your thumb whilst holding the camera to your eye. And that is exactly what I am doing right now, bringing it to my eye as my subjects still don’t seem to have noticed me noticing them.
And then another thing happens for what feels like a hundredth time. I did not understand it at first, might not have even noticed my own reaction (since, more often than not, I can’t afford being surprised by something), but after relying so much on an optical viewfinder – be that of the rangefinder Kiev 4AM, my digital Nikon body or medium format Mamiya RZ67 – that EVF feels weird. It’s not bad weird, or good weird for that matter. Just… weird.

One of the reasons I was reluctant to purchase the X-E2 initially was the EVF. And perhaps I’ve only spent about a week with the camera, but it is still something I am a little bit bothered by. Scratch that, I am very, very bothered by it. Strangely enough, it has nothing to do with the quality of EVF itself, because it is spectacular. It really, really is. The viewfinder is sharp, has an array of information that can be displayed and does not suffer from much lag. It is certainly not irritating for the type of shooting I’ve been doing with it so far. I also find it large enough, but then I wear spectacles and would not be able to see the whole frame if it were any bigger (given the same eye relief). So, my very subjective and individual issue is not with this particular EVF, but with EVFs in general. I am not going to bore you with the advantages and disadvantages of electronic viewfinders – those have been talked about plenty of times. Instead, I will talk about an inherent trait of EVFs which to me is bothersome.
Whenever I work with my OVF-featuring Nikon camera, I use manual exposure eight times out of ten. Now, I am not a snob, I don’t do it to look “cool” or “professional” or because I believe automated exposure modes are for “lesser” photographers – that’s rubbish. I use manual exposure mode for several reasons that are important to me personally. First of all, I am quite selective with my exposure – I often tend to expose for highlights, or at least those highlights that I find to be the most subtle and beautiful to my taste. If I were to use automated exposure modes – say, aperture priority – I’d have to adjust exposure compensation constantly. Even worse, I’d have no idea how to adjust it and were I to use, say, spot metering in some specific situation, even slight camera movement might result in a different exposure. Too unpredictable.
The second reason is so crucial that the first one wouldn’t be worth much alone – it feels natural to me. Unless shooting indoors in mixed artificial light (or, strangely enough, into the light and exposing for shadows), I am quite good at estimating roughly correct exposure so long as I always see the scene as it is and concentrate on the areas that I want to be exposed correctly. It is especially true if I have some point of reference, say an image I took previously under different light levels. In that case, I just have to estimate the difference in light levels between the two environments. While I photograph, it all happens fairly quickly – I don’t really think about any of it much. It is certainly much quicker than, say, constantly switching between spot, center-weighted and average metering modes when I change composition, but the light remains the same. So, unless it is the light that changes often and I can’t anticipate it, I will almost always naturally switch to M with my Nikon.
During my first walk with the X-E2, I almost exclusively shot in aperture priority. More than that, I actually used the exposure compensation dial, even though the camera itself encourages manual use featuring both aperture and shutter speed dials (the former on higher-end lenses). I can’t say it was alien to me to such an extent I’d want to return the camera – oh no. The image posted with this article, for many reasons, is enough of a proof for me to know I chose correctly and the issues that do arise aren’t actually issues, but me not being familiar with the tool, certainly not to the same extent I know my trusty old D700. And yet using aperture priority, switching between metering modes and adjusting exposure compensation dial rather than shutter dial was very, very weird.
What does setting correct exposure have to do with OVFs and EVFs? The thing is, until I tried the X-E2, there was a condition I never even realized existed for my skill to estimate exposure. I can only do it (almost subconsciously) if I see the real light. The X-E2 does not show the real light. What you see through the EVF is either what exposure settings are like (if exposure preview is enabled), or what the X-E2 “thinks” the settings should be. It does not show how the light looks like. How it hits the subject. It rids me of my eye’s dynamic range. It shows me an interpretation which I am then supposed to interpret myself. It is so bizarre to lift the camera to my eye and see a completely different view than I saw just a second ago, it throws me off completely. Suddenly, I can’t estimate the exposure anymore, I can only rely on what I see in the viewfinder and adjust the settings based on what I see there. Actually, more often than not what you see isn’t exactly what you get. With X-E2, for example, the EVF shows an image that is less representative of the captured photograph than the LCD at the back – for one thing, colours seem to be a tad cooler, not to mention the affect direct sunlight has on the contrast and perceived luminance of the image.
There is another issue, one that has nothing to do with EVFs in general, but with Fujifilm’s specific settings for the viewfinder. You can set it up in so many ways – you can photograph using the proximity sensor and the camera will switch between LCD and EVF depending on whether the camera is to up to your eye or not, or you can set it up to only activate the EVF and not use LCD at all. The problem is, you can set it up in what feels the most obvious, the most natural way for me, personally. You can’t set it up the DSLR-way, you can’t use the EVF to compose and shoot, and the LCD for menus and image review only. If you set the EVF-only mode, that is what you’ll be forced to use to preview images, too. A silly and somewhat annoying omission by Fujifilm and one I sincerely hope the Japanese manufacturer will get around to fixing via firmware update.
But that’s a separate subject and, to me at least, these issues are far less important simply because they can potentially be fixed. What I found perplexing and irritating, and what I still can’t figure out is why I’m so bad at using the otherwise very natural-feeling manual exposure mode with the X-E2. Or perhaps that is not entirely true. I can figure it out. The Fujifilm X-E2 is such a new tool to me, I haven’t yet learned to use it well, and certainly nowhere near its full potential if there even is such a thing as a camera’s potential. And so in no way am I saying I bought the wrong camera, the wrong system, and compact camera systems are not for me. Oh no. The positives far outweigh any issues I might have despite this particular issue receiving so much of my attention. It just means that, once again, I’ll need to use the camera as often as possible to get to know it quickly. And you know what? That is no hardship, because one thing remains an indisputable truth for me – the X-E2 is almost asking to be used, all the time. Even now, quite late into the night, I am thinking about the next time I will take it out and hoping it will be very soon.
I am not one to take things for granted. I don’t take AF for granted, for example – every system needs to be learned. X-E2 requires time to get to know. I’ve worked with that D700 for years now, it’s why I know it so well. And I know I will learn the Fujifilm eventually, too, and all these issues that I am having will then turn into skill. That said… I guess EVFs is something we need to embrace as the future, much like, say, electric cars. But I don’t want to. And so I am happy I did not go with the more expensive X-T1, which would end up as my main camera of the system due to its price and size. It is a good camera, of course, and one Nasim prefers to the X-E2. Yet as a high-end body, I would prefer one that has an OVF.
Waiting for that X-Pro2, then. Waiting patiently. But the X-E2 is not going anywhere.
My Fuji x-e2 no longer displays the vertical light meter on the left side of the display or view finder. Tried resetting camera defaults. Anyone else experience or no how to get it back. Using firmware 4.0. Camera takes good photos otherwise.
It’s been a couple of years since the first posting on this site, and perhaps some of you are enjoying the XPro2 as it is been praised by many people and sites. It is also the same amount of years since I finally sold my X100. It really had to go, It was beautiful when she wanted to, but so many times she was deciding/undecided, like a love hate relationship between us, but I let her go. My old Nikon D-80 took its place faithful, slow, reliable.
Suddenly the X-E2 crossed my sight just a couple of weeks ago.Why not I said, she looks cute and promising and I started chasing her until I found it. the deal I could not pass, and I got her a 23mm, like a bride dress to compliment her, just like many of you, good picture pros. Still, I am learning about her, its a curve, the crazy moods, the menu issues, I get confused, embarrassed sometimes by our interactions…
Thanks for this site, I am reading, still learning avid reading…thanks
You write ‘waiting for the X-Pro2’. Did you get one yet?
Thanks for your thoughts on the viewfinder. I have been the owner of an X-E2 for a couple weeks now and it has been quite the learning curve from using Canon exclusively for the last eight years. There are so many struggles I’m having where I wonder, “Do I have a problem with this because it’s different, or do I have a problem with this because it’s a problem.”
I also have primarily always shot in Manual, but now using a mostly WYSIWYG view finder seems to naturally discourage this type of usage for my type of shooting. On my small point-and-shoots, I’ve almost always used Priority because I could see the picture I was going to there wasn’t much shallow depth of field to worry about. But for some reason that behavior is not translating well to my portrait-making mindset (which is what I’ve always tended to use my DSLRs for). Plus, I’ve never had Auto ISO before and that has really thrown a wrench into my understanding of metering a scene.
So it’s a challenge, but the picture quality is just on a whole new level from what I’m used to, and that I love. I will keep reading and learning to try and wrap my mind around this new EVF mindset.
I’m interested how your opinions of EVFs has changed with more and more use of the system. Did these first kinks get worked out with time, or do they still bother you?
Romanas, you write in a very cumbersome english, which is difficult and unpleasant to read. You could deliver the very same message with 30% less words, and less nestings. So many words in this article are not adding information at all. Brevitiy is the sould of wit.
(KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid)
You sir are a dullard. I look forward to reading your next article in fluent, witty Lithuanian.
BTW English in the context in which you used it is a noun and thus capitalised. Oh, and “sould” is not a word.
Hahaha. Funny review. You need to learn to use Manual Exposure on your Fuji. And Fujifilm rocks at it.
Romanas et al
Such and interesting thread for me, and Zak’s articles on Fuji cameras too! I’m seriously think ing of getting the E2 (or possibly the Sony a6000??). I’ve had Nikon for years but been a bit ‘stung’ by a series of issues with the D7100, D600 and with the current D610 I’ve had. I’ll leave those alone for now … LOL..
I feel the future is mirrorless but having night sweats at the possibility of being a social outcast for going ASP-C… ;-).
Like you, I won’t dump my Nikon kit for now so not thinking of the XT1…but thinking of having the E2 with the kit XF18-55mm F2.8-4 R LM OIS for carrying everywhere. Which i don’t do with Nikon because of the weight, and use a Lumix TZ40 (OK but..) and to augment my armoury with a wide zoom which I don’t have. I was going to get the Nikkor 16-35.
I’ve tried the E2 in a couple of stores and sort of loved it (yes the EVF blah blah blah blah), and especially the 10-24mm lens! Lovely…
I’d be interested to hear about peoples experiences of the the kit lens, particularly at the top end.
Thanks for listening.
EVF’s and OVF’s are used for composing the shot, not for setting the exposure!
A competent photographer learns to see a near correct exposure from the scene in front of him and sets the controls accordingly, whether that is by utilising the fully manual controls or by using aperture priority with added exposure compensation or by other means ie the laborious use of the histogram – take the shot, check the image on the camera back, check the histogram, dial in the compensation go to retake the shot and OH, the decisive moment has gone – dow!
There is no ‘correct’ exposure – a much discussed topic, Google it and I expect you will have a good read. Until you learn to gain this ‘correct’ exposure via the experience factor, people will flounder around complaining about why their cameras do not ‘work’ properly or how they think they should work.
And using the manual exposure system mentioned in this article is by reading the light from the scene and manually setting the values, or by adjusting the film speed, aperture and shutter value according to the in-built camera exposure values ie a needle point or a graph telling you the correct exposure that you then set by adjusting camera settings or by the histogram? Only the first is manual. Using any in-built camera exposure guide is not manual.
Move away from trying to set the exposure in the viewfinder and learn to set it by ‘eye’ by visually reading the light values and experience and adjusting the exposure to how you want it to be and don’t expect that knowledge to arrive arrive overnight or in the post with a new camera as the contents.
In case you are wondering I have been photographing since I was 6, was a professional photographer for nearly 30 years, am still taking pictures and am now in my mid 70’s. I have also mainly used aperture priority with exposure compensation for around the last 30 years and not many pictures get away.
Unfortunately too many people think photography was simplified or made easier when digital arrived. But that is another subject for another time!
from what you wrote, I would be inclined to think you did not really understand my thoughts and the issues I am having. Or perhaps I am not a competent photographer. ;)
And, no. How long someone has been doing something has rarely anything to do with how good one is at it, and so I never judge people by how long they have been doing something and am rarely curious about that, too. And I mean that in general, not in your particular case.
Interesting Article!
I just sold my trusty D700 after six years. I now have an X E2 and a X T1. Do I miss my D700? Well yes a bit. But I have gotten used to using Fuji’s marvelous EVF’s. I have purchased only one lens. It is the Zeiss Touit 32. But I still have almost a dozen f mount Nikkors AI type, and a couple of f mount Voitlanders. I bought a Novoflex adaptor. They work very well.
I also shoot manual, almost 100% of the time. I get exactly what I want, period.
I kept my Nikon lenses because I love Nikon and I figured they would come out with something I like sooner or later. The D750 has just been announced and looks very promising.
There are two things I could hope for from Fuji.
1. In manual, why can they not set the EC dial to control ISO instead of messing with my shutter speed? I simply don’t use the EC dial
2. It would not be hard in a firmware update to have an option when setting Shoot Without Lens, with an auto aperture log. For those of us who like our old glass, after I make an exposure it would be handy for an aperture value list to pop up where I can select an aperture value that is added to the EXIF file.
I love the Fuji’s and I will get another Nikon DSLR in the future.
See what your article has done to me? Too much thinking and not enough shooting
Hi Romanas, I own an X-T1 and don’t seem to have the same issue with the EVF/LCD function you described “You can’t set it up the DSLR-way, you can’t use the EVF to compose and shoot, and the LCD for menus and image review only. If you set the EVF-only mode, that is what you’ll be forced to use to preview images, too.”
I have it set up to all off until my eye is on the EVF to compose, shoot, pull away from the EVF and review on the LCD which goes off by either half-clicking on the shutter/putting my eye to EVF/clicking on Play button.
Sam, in the menu, which options do you have selected?
Hi Romanas, it’s not an option on the menu but it’s an option when you click on the EVF/LCD select button next to the EVF, it cycles though Eye sensor, EVF only, LCD only and then an apparently blank one (if you are not holding the camera next to your eye) which is the Eye sensor EVF only. This last setting will only switch on the EVF when held up otherwise both screens are off but if you press the play you can review the last image without having to reset the camera to use the EVF for composing. You can also set it to automatically show you the last shot for a predetermined length of time and if you pull the camera away it will switch to LCD and then off again (although I personally prefer to review an image on the EVF as it’s less prone to show reflections or be affected by excessive ambient light the way the LCD can be and it’s a lot faster if I need to shoot again).
Now, getting the menu to show up on the LCD is another issue and one I hadn’t actually noticed as I normally make use of the various dials and buttons on the X-T1 to do all that while the camera is still pressed against my eye or just before I take the shot before I even turn the camera on (one of the reasons I LOVE the X-T1) but I can see how that would be an advantage if working with the E2.